Stranded in Kimba
I was all for keeping our plans very loose but I’m a bit surprised that we couldn’t even keep to a two day plan. Rather than camped at the foot of Pildappa Rock, we find ourselves in the back blocks of Kimba.
Claire got the day started at 5:15am, and taking advantage of the early hour we all followed a family of roos out through the mangroves to the gulf’s edge and watched the sun rise. After brekkie the kids got their first swim for the trip with a dip in the tidal creek next to our camp. Sufficiently knackered by 11am they were both asleep within 5 minutes of hitting the road for our next destination.
Kimba was supposed to be a lunch and fuel stop but on pulling up to the Lion’s Reserve (home to a giant bouncy cushion and flushing toilets), Matthias reported a smell of burning rubber and an over-heated left trailer wheel rim. After a number of calls to Maverick Campers and some lay investigation of the wheel, we decided to book in with the local mechanic and call Kimba home for the night.
We now understand the true meaning of RV Friendly. Kimba has to be the best place to be stranded for the night. Not for any outstanding natural landmarks but for amenities amenities amenities. And the Big Galah of course.
Oh, and we solved the mystery of the mini explosion that had us checking the tyres on the hard shoulder of Port Wakefield road. The kid’s footy had burst in the boot of the car. So it looks like we’ll stick to frisbee from here on in.